Finally understand what REALLY causes canker sores (no, it’s not toothpaste or food allergies)
Finally understand what REALLY causes canker sores
(no, it’s not toothpaste ingredients or food allergies)
Learn how to stop painful canker sores from coming back, without prescription drugs, special diets, or new dental habits!
Learn how to stop painful canker sores from coming back,
without prescription drugs, special diets, or new dental habits!
Raise your hand if you LOVE getting canker sores.
No? Me neither!
For most people, the occasional canker sore is enough to drive them crazy.
For me, canker sores had gone way WAY beyond that.
In the height of Covid-19 pandemic, I had to have dental surgery to replace some of my gum line because a canker sore had “eaten away” part of my gums!
No, I did not have the standard case of canker sores.
Instead of getting the occasional canker sore (like I did as a kid) it seemed like I was getting them all the time.
And sometimes a few canker sores at the same time.
Like my mouth was being beaten to a pulp by a gang of street thugs after school every day.
And I was powerless to stop them.
It felt like canker sores were just inevitable.
They were also starting to appear in places I never expected:
• canker sores on my low lip (that’s classic),
• my upper lip (also classic),
• insides of my cheeks (awful),
• both sides of my tongue (the worst!),
• gums of my teeth (needed surgery for it),
• soft palate (a wreck!),
• and back of my throat (don’t remind me!)
It was a nightmare.
But the good news for you is...
You see, I’m what one friend calls a “P.D.F.”
That’s a “Personal Development Freak.”
If something’s going on with me that I don’t like, I will obsessively research, experiment, and develop a solution.
It might take me a whole weekend.
Or it might take me years.
But I will not stop, until I’ve found or created a solution.
Combine that with the fact that I grew up in a home of doctors (Dad is an M.D., step-Mom is an M.D., Mom is an alternative medicine “healer,” Grandpa was a pharmacist, Aunt is a chiropractor…you get it).
I mean, as a teenager, it was completely “normal” for us to get up from the dinner table to go look up a scientific term in the big fat Encyclopedic Dictionary that my parents kept sitting beside the dinner table on a dedicated wooden stand.
Canker sores had picked the wrong guy to mess with.
So I went online. But not like most people searching for answers “go online.”
I actually avoided consumer medical websites and popular health blogs.
I knew that those sites had no answers for canker sore sufferers.
Because according to the medical establishment (and even the health gurus online) canker sores are still considered an “Unsolved Mystery.”
But I didn’t believe that.
How could millions of people suffer from canker sores, year after year, and we still don’t even know what causes them?
Let alone how to stop them from coming back??
So I sidestepped the mainstream sources and went directly to the research studies.
And thank God I did!
I was SHOCKED at what we found.
But I was also thrilled. (Maybe I was “throcked!”)
With the help of my physician father, Dr. Keebler, we’ve gone through the most recent canker sore research studies, and studies as far back as the 1970’s!
I was shocked/thrilled for two important reasons:
One, the solutions we discovered actually worked!
Two, given the fact that this all worked, I was shocked that no one—no doctor, no dentist, no health websites are even talking about this!
How could that be?
That’s where my dad stepped in to help me face the tragic reality…
He explained that it typically takes 10 to 30 years for scientific discoveries to finally get into the hands of people like you and me.
And sometimes—often times—the research doesn’t EVER reach us. Ever!
Mind Blowing.
The fact is, it takes a TON of money to educate the public. It takes a TON of time and effort to update doctors and dentists who are all extremely busy just trying treat their huge load of patients each day.
And that’s not even half of the barriers to scientific discoveries…
…but I’ll spare you the giant knotted mess that is our public health crisis right now.
The point is, solutions to dealing with canker sores ARE HERE.
Except there’s one big problem.
No one has stringed together all the different scientific research into one clear, easy-to-understand method that anyone can follow.
But, like I said, the canker sore zombies picked the wrong guy to mess with.
The exact guy they’d been bullying (me) happens to also be a former online course creator by profession.
Fortune 500 companies like Costco and Yahoo! paid to have me take complex subjects and turn them into easy-to-grasp content for their employees.
Think of me as your personal tour guide and translator. I turn the gobbldeegook science into plain English you can understand.
But I’m not a scientist.
That’s where my Dad comes in.
He’s a medical doctor of over 40 years with expertise in not one, but several fields of human health. Plus he has a burning passion for preventative healthcare.
Instead of just "treating the disease," he prefers to "prevent the disease in the first place."
We're a perfect match.
We’ve taken over 40 years of scientific research on canker sores, and put together a super simple and easy-to-follow method for combatting them.
It’s called CankerZero.
In about a dozen short lessons, you’ll go from “Canker Sore Victim” to “Canker Zero Hero.”
And I’m telling you, life on the other side is a different world.
It's so radically different that you truly might end up appreciating canker sores. (huh?)
You see, on the other side of this page is a world where canker sores have an explainable cause.
One that you can likely trace back to actual circumstances in your life.
Which means you can finally DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM.
But, I can’t force this on you.
And I wouldn't want to.
It’s up to you if you’re ready for a world like that.
If you’re looking for a magic pill or vaccine that you take once and canker sores disappear forever, the CankerZero course is not for you.
But, if you’re sick and tired of canker sores AND you’re willing to take tiny, simple, even enjoyable actions regularly, actions that have better odds at preventing canker sores than the seasonal flu vaccine has at preventing the flu, please scroll down…
Here's to your health and a liberated mouth,
- Daniel “Canker Sores Are NOT Inevitable” Keebler
If you’re like most people with canker sores, you’ve had them for years already.
Wait. Years?!?
I think that’s long enough, don’t you?
IT’S TIME to turn your back on canker sores.
Once and for all!
If you’re like most people with canker sores, you’ve had them for years already.
Wait. Years?!? I think that’s long enough, don’t you?
IT’S TIME to turn your back on canker sores.
Once and for all!
Let’s not forget the fact that
canker sores come back again and again…
The online course that teaches you the clinically proven (i.e. tested on patients) way to stop canker sores from coming back!
In this short but powerful course, you’ll finally understand what causes canker sores, AND what scientists recommend you do to prevent them from coming back.
By the end of this course, you’ll be armed with the anti-canker sore science to kiss those happiness-suckers goodbye!
Yep. We’re not talking about numbing the pain temporarily with some annoying gel (seen above).
We’re talking about preventing them from happening in the first place!
We’re not talking about
numbing the pain temporarily
with some annoying gel... →
We’re talking about preventing
them from happening in the first place! ↓
Ever wonder why some people in your family also get Canker sores like you do?
This is your chance to arm yourself and your loved ones with the science and know-how that can stop painful canker sores from coming back!
You’ll be the one who stands up and says:
“I’m Not Taking This Abuse Anymore,” and ends canker sore pain and suffering for the whole family!
And if you teach your kids what you learn in the CankerZero course, it could mean preventing suffering for generations to come!
Dad, why do we keep that picture of Grandpa and Nana in our BATHROOM?
Well, a while back, they bought an online course that showed them the secret to preventing canker sores in our mouths.
Woah. They’re SUPER smart, right?
Yep. And they taught me how to prevent canker sores too. And, well I guess that’s why YOU don’t get canker sores either, kiddo!
Cool. But what ARE canker sores? Were they really that bad?
They were horrible. Kinda like little pirates that plundered and pillaged our mouths. And they would always come back again at the worst times!
Pirates in my mouth?! Gross!
Don’t worry. Just do what I learned from Grandpa and Nana. You’ll keep those mouth pirates away. And if any canker sores ever do appear, they'll probably be wimpy compared to what we used to get. All thanks to Grandpa and Nana who learned how to fight back against canker sores.
I LOVE Grandpa and Nana, don’t you?
YES! The protocol you’ll learn in the Canker Zero course has been repeatedly proven to fully prevent canker sores for about 75% of people. No more canker sores!
Plus, of the remaining 25% of people whose canker sores didn’t go away entirely, 10% of them still had “significant improvement.”
So even though canker sores came back for these people, it was much less often, much less painful(!), and/or they were much smaller in size!
That adds up to an 85% chance of having at least significant improvement of your canker sores, with the most likely result (75% chance) being FULL ELIMINATION of canker sores!
AND…based on what science now knows about canker sores, we give you 7 extra strategies that we believe will transform your relationship with canker sores for the better and forever!
We’re so confident you’ll benefit from this course, you get a 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee. Which means...
...if you're not satisfied with what you learn, we give you back your money. That's it. Imagine if college tuition or weekend workshops offered that!
Discover the mysterious cause of canker sores. Answer important questions about why we get these happiness killers in our mouths. Learn the scientifically proven way to prevent them from coming back! And more.
Discover the mysterious cause of canker sores. Answer important questions about why we get these happiness killers in our mouths. Learn the scientifically proven way to prevent them from coming back! And more.
In the CankerZero Course, you learned how to prevent canker sores. But in CankerZero’s S.M.I.L.E.S. Method, you’ll learn 6 tactics for “emergency” intervention upon first sign of a budding or active canker sore. Arm yourself with a toolbox of tactics that aim to shorten the healing time for new or active canker sores so you can get your mouth back!
Such recurring therapies cost about $100 per session. Once a month for 5 years could cost $5,000+. For temporary pain relief.
(Hey, I get it. You gotta do what you gotta do for pain relief!)
The "CankerZero Course" teaches you a longterm strategy to prevent canker sores from happening. It takes time to kick in and is not intended to get rid of an active canker sore.
However, the "S.M.I.L.E.S. Method" that comes with this course teaches you ways to shorten the healing time and/or reduce the pain level for an active canker sore. While we have had students who used the S.M.I.L.E.S. Method report that their canker sores were "gone the next day" or "gone within 2 days" this may not be typical! We like to see The S.M.I.L.E.S. Method reduce canker sores from a 10 day thing to a 5 day thing, and/or drop the pain from severe to minor.
Yes. While we cannot guarantee results (not even FDA Approved medications or vaccines offer guaranteed results), we do however offer you a 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the course, send us an email within 30 days of your purchase date and explain why you were not happy with it; we will then refund you for the course.
No. A special diet may be an extra (optional) tool to prevent canker sores, and by the end of the course you’ll know why. But, no, you won’t need a diet to use what you learn in this course.
The most important thing you need for making real health changes is knowledge and the inspiration to commit to action. That’s what you get from this course.
In the course, we also show you exactly what you need to buy to get started on the CankerZero protocol. Don’t worry—it’s all extremely affordable, which is why we don’t even bother selling it to you ourselves!! 🙂 It’s entirely up to you where you make these very cheap and simple future purchases, if you wish to do so. But without this course, you will never understand what causes your canker sores or what you can do to prevent them from happening.
There are actually a startling number of health solutions that scientists have discovered, proven, and re-proven through much testing, yet they still remain hidden from the public.
For example, Vitamin D is now widely accepted as very important in preventing Covid-19 and other viruses. Yet scientists had already discovered Vitamin D's anti-viral capabilityes many years before Covid-19 popularized Vitamin D amongst family doctors across the world. When Covid-19 hit, the research scientists knew about Vitamin D. But the rest of us (even our family doctors) did not. Why?
Well, most doctors and dentists are short on time. Should they spend more time with you when you come in for a visit? Or should they spend more time looking into the constantly updating mountain of scientific research that comes out every year. It’s a really tough balance. Suffice it to say, there’s a lot of science that doctors haven’t heard about yet.
The CankerZero course brings the science on canker sore prevention straight to you. Why wait decades for it to finally become mainstream when you can learn how to prevent canker sores yourself TODAY!